Banks Academy

Client: Banks Academy
ROLE: Co-Director, Producer, Editor


Over the past few years, I have donated time to Banks Academy to create various films for them that tell their story. A big reason why I love this school is that the teachers are there to help guide students not just academically but also through through life. Many teachers stay after hours to mentor and coach the students, making sure that they are safe, fed, and secure. Banks is so much more than a regular high school.

In 2022, during our first partnership, filmmaker Rachael Porter and I worked with Bank’s high school English teacher and 6 different students who wrote a poem that shared their experience of Banks Academy. The students helped us to create a shot list and film a portion of the video that is called “Banks School Anthem.”

It was also the first year of Banks’ new principal, Dr. Cathy Trimble, so we made a short documentary sharing her vision for the school and students. The two films were shown at Banks’ Fundraising Gala and helped to raise $30,000 OVER the school’s goal for that year.

In 2023, we returned to the school with the request to make a film showing the relationship and mentorship aspect of Banks. After interviewing a handful of students, we found four who wanted to share their story about how Banks was more than just a school. “More Than A School” is currently being used to initiate conversations with donors and prospective students.


More Than A School


our School Anthem


A Principle’s Vision